Tiaras & Tantrums

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Where have I been????

. . . we left on Saturday morning, late, of course, but not due to my tardiness. That one was on hubbie! He was puttering around doing nothing and anything I guess. But we left and made it to our destination in 5 hours (2 hours late). We went to visit my brother, whom I haven't seen since Feb 2005. We returned home yesterday.

I was sick, son, daughter and baby were sick. We are all still sick. Daughter and baby are almost completely better. Son and myself sound like toads right now. My throat hurt so bad yesterday, I could barely swallow. I know it's strep. My son and I are always getting strep together! It is ridiculous! Thankfully I had leftover medication for him and myself from the last time we had strep together! Son is home from school today. I'm sad for him, this is his last week of school, and I imagine it will be a fun week. He will miss today and tomorrow for sure.

I don't know why hubbie never gets sick? With all of us coughing, sneezing and breathing on him. HE NEVER GETS SICK!

(although this is a good thing, he is the WORST sick person I know, a simple little sniffle has him down on the sofa crying for help)

My house is a disaster zone right now. I have to unpack the bags still. This is so not like me and it is driving me insane to see those bags just sitting there. I will be doing laundry today if I can drag my lifeless body up and down the steps without passing out! Hopefully it won't bring on a coughing spell. I can not take cold medicine unless I want to feel like I'm in the twilght zone (no thanks).

I had a lovely visit with my brother, I hope he doesn't get sick now.

More later . . . I'm going to lie down now . . . something I never do. It goes against everything that I am . . . so not sure how long it will last.

Oh, one more thing, I forgot my sleep machine. This is how out of sorts I am. That machine NEVER is left behind! I was frantic last night. I called the hotel, yippee, it was still in the room. They are sending it back to me. I had to give my address and name and credit card information. Which had me in a different sort of panic that now I have to worry about strange charges or identify theft? I'm such a freak about this stuff!!!!