Do Less . . . Be More

Last year around this time (well a bit earlier actually) I challenged myself to "keep it simple and handmade". I decided to carry this thought (or challenge) over into 2010 as well.  The thought was I would give handmade gifts to everyone. I didn't give handmade gifts to everyone, but to mostly everyone. My children still received theri overabundance of toys! As they will in 2010 as well. However, instead of searching high and low for the perfect gift for my mother in law or my brother or my neighbor and finally giving up and purchasing the old standby gift card. I made gifts for everyone, handmade gifts, with my own two little hands.

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These lovely Holiday Highlights mini scrapbook albums were created for all the teachers that my chidlren have. ( I totally forgot about the aide in my daughter's first grade class and am wondering if I need to get her a gift? My daughter actually detests this aide, she is so mean. Do you all purchase gifts for the aides?)


These lovelies! Ahh and ohh!! I do not even want to part with these, they are so gorgeous and soft and fluffy! I think I could sleep with them . . . not really, but these tassels turned out so much more gorgeous than my mind had envisioned! I am so delighted with these beauties! I just hope the teachers enjoy the handmade tassels!

My MIL & FIL will also get a handmade scrapbook and tassels as well as my BIL & SIL. My brother is a bachelor and would not appreciate getting a tassel (hee hee, I might do it as a joke though), so I have to scour my brain for this fellow!

Get on board, create seomthing . . . it is quite satisfying!
