Completely Candid

So I am sitting here eating Spicy Chicken Thai Soup and I don't think I can take another spoonful but I keep shoveling it down. I am seriously addicted to this soup! It is so delicious! My dog is snoring at my feet, I am trying not to laugh at her as my laughter will wake her up!
My photo entry for this week "Completely Candid" is of my youngest daughter. We are fortunate enough to have a horse farm very close to our home. We can walk to it and visit the horses daily if we like. During the summer months this was a weekly treat for my children. My two oldest have been feeding these horses flowers and weeks and sometimes apples since they were born. They are not the least bit afraid. Now, baby girl has yet to really take a liking to these magnificent beasts. She loves them from afar, but not too much up close. This particular morning we visited the horses and she was quite brave in holding out a flower for the horses to nibble on. None took the bait and that was fine with her.
She happily waved to them and giggled her little heart out that they didn't come near her. She was busy poking her nose through the fence to get a closer gander, because, you know the baby of the family must always be able to do what her siblings do! Well, one of the horses decided to take the bait of a fresh flower from my son and moved a bit too close for baby girl's little heart to take.
This photo above is of her utter terror (do you see her expression) and full out sprint to hide in mommas (mine) arms! I was happy for the tight little snuggle and the soothing that she needed. I can't believe I was able to snap off this photo, "Completely Candid", of my older children's complete lack of interest or concern in the fact that their baby sister was completely frightened out of her skin AND the fact that the horses were not the least bit disturbed by my daughter's shrieking of Mm-oo-mm-mm-aa as she ran away AND that I didn't even have one second to focus, I just took it and ran to meet her with open arms.
Plus, I love that she is rockin' it with the shirt on! She tries to be so cool, but her little tender heart just won't allow that! Well, I have finished my second bowl of soup and I don't think I can move now. The dog is still snoring. And that is my entry for Completely Candid!