Tiaras & Tantrums

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Elf on the Shelf and Buzz Lightyear

Elf on the Shelf is a great family tradition to carry out in your home for your children. Elf on the Shelf creates years of happy memories.

So this entire month I think I am going to be consumed by the darling wee Elf on the Shelf. Last night I was all burrowed comfortably in my huge bed with my 16 thousand blankets on top of me, perfectly cocooned and suddenly I remembered in a panic -- The Elf! The Damn Elf!

I race back downstairs, leaving the warmth of my comfy bed. Naturally, I have to continue my path of finding some elaborate prank or funny hee hee moment for the Elf to perform. I go searching through the children's toy bins to locate the most excellent of all perfect pranks. Mind you it is 1 AM AGAIN!! (Why do I keep doing this?)

I locate a couple of forgotten Buzz Lightyear toy guns from a Disney trip a few years back and a Buzz Lightyear toy.

Guess who had a gamma ray gun shoot out those wee hours that were left in the morning?

Yes, that would be Remus, the Elf on the Shelf and Buzz Lightyear.

I wonder who won?