Halloween Dress-Up

I have so many cute and adorable photos of my children in "Halloween Dress-Up" so I had a really tough time picking this week to submit. I have some really gorgeous head shots of my girls that just barely show a costume so I opted not to submit those. This one is just the one shot(well, not this one, but this one but my shadow is in this one so it is not good enough to submit) that always makes me cock my head a bit and sigh deeply and say ahhh . . . I made this costume (see directions below) and I.LOVED.IT! THIS.BABY.HATED.IT! All the photos I have of this costume are with a small toddler who is so sad and miserable.

Have you ever seen a sad little chick like this before?

Chicken costumes material used:

Two white long sleeved shirts{/onsies/bottom snap turtlenecks}(two sizes larger then child's actual size), 2-3 white feather boas (depending on how much 'fluff' you want), batting, yellow pants/yellow tights, yellow kitchen gloves, pilots cap with snap or tie, red felt{/red boa/red rubber glove}, scissors, needle and thread, glue gun.

Place one shirt inside the other. Slide enough batting in between the two and be sure it comes around fully, front to back (like a barrel). Stitch seams to one another, obviously, not stitching the openings closed but rather to make the two shirts one.

Turn the inside shirt over the top shirt and inside sleeves over the top as well. Hang on a hanger (it will make the next step easier).

Beginning at shoulder/neck area, attach the end of the first boa with a small stitch and continue wrapping the boas, loosely around the entire outfit attaching it randomly with stitches here and there until you have covered the entire 'base'. Do not stitch to arms; it will be fluffy enough! You can add a little extra fluff to child's bum if you are using a onsie!

Using a glue gun, go back and attach more of the boa randomly, ensuring it lies where you'd like it too. A dot of hot glue, here and there is just enough! (I didn't have to do this)

Take two 8 x 11 sheets of red felt(or just use a red rubber glove), and trace out the wobbly top. Three lumps on top or so (use your imagination) and cut out. Lay the two on top of one another with the insides out. Stitch, leaving a small opening, turn outside in and stuff with some batting. Stitch closed. Attach to the pilots cap with a few stitches.

Stuff fingers of kitchen gloves with batting then pull kitchen gloves over sneakers you will be using, wrap around the shoe completely, pull tight and cut to size, if need be.

Dress your child and take a lot of pictures, expect a countless number of ooohhhhsss and ahhhsssss over such chicken costumes!!!

We never got baby girl to put on the cap(doesn't the red plume look better anyway) or the gloved feet . . . she was absolutely miserable

in this costume and NEVER stopped crying. Ultimately I had to take this costume off her and put on a princess dress! Baby Chick was so cute . . . and it's still in my closet ready for the next baby chick!