Tiaras & Tantrums

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Thankful For Home

Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving, a time to gather with our family and friends to specifically thank God for the many blessings we enjoy each and every day. Our small family has many things to be thankful for . . . a good job, a beautiful home, healthy children, wonderful grandparents, beautiful friends{on the inside too}, the opportunity to homeschool and so much more. We have an aattitude of graditude this week.

May the Lord continually BLESS YOU with Heaven's blessings as well as with human joys. Psalm 128:5

♥ Home or Thankful I hosted Thanksgiving dinner this year and I think I am still recovering!

♥ In the Kitchen Oh my, was this ever delicious!

♥ Couple We have had a couple of issues with attitudes this past week between my two oldest children . . . and  . . . well, nothing much was getting my point across to the two of them. I had reached my limit with them and no amount of grounding from toys, tvs or gaming equipment seemed to matter much. There was a sentence that was written a 'couple' of times that seems to get my point across. "I will treat everybody with love and kindness" Do you see the "sorry Mom' written across the top of her page?

♥ Bubbles We spent some time in our glorious city last weekend before the cold front really hit us . . . these lovelies are usually spouting some bubbles, but not this day.

♥ Trees ah .  . my favorite tree . . . on the way to a bitter winter. . .