Contentment in Winter

When you are young, the feeling of contentment seems to come quite freely.

Contentment in Winter

Children seem to have the innate ability to know that what is happening right now is right where they need to be.

Contentment in Winter

We are a world of dreamers.

Contentment in Winter

We need to learn to be happy with where we are right now.

Contentment in Winter

When we do that, we can settle into contentment a little easier.

Contentment in Winter

About Tiaras & Tantrums: Rese is a mom of three. She enjoys home educating her kiddos, taking photos, and traveling the globe. Rese is a family photographer and home educator. Connect with Rese on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+. Sign up via email for the latest updates from Tiaras & Tantrums.