My Best Shot

This week the challenge was to take loads of photos and pick your very best shot. I followed instructions. I took over 1000 photos this past week. (seriously, I am not joking) Yesterday on my who would you trade places with for the day post, I think I posted one of my very best shots our of those 1000 photos. (you can see it here) So I couldn't very well post the same photo two days in a row, well, I could, but I won't.

I picked another photo that delights me so. My little one was petrified of horses last year . . . petrified, shaking in her boots sort of issue. Recently, after seeing many horse movies, she has fallen in love with anything horses. Which pleases me so because I adored horses when I was little. The little gal has been begging to ride horses for ages. However, she needed to be four to take lessons. She will be four in a couple of weeks and so she is finally able to 'gittup!

Her first horse riding lesson was this past Tuesday . . . I have never seen this child so excited about anything in her entire 3.89 years of life. She asked me all day long . . . "is it time to go to my horse riding lesson momma". Almost baby I replied, almost.

As soon as her little foot passed over the back of that saddle and she was sitting high up on that pony, she flashed me the biggest smile I have ever seen. I was smiling the biggest smile I think I have ever smield as well, so I totally missed the opportunity for that shot. But here she is, learning how to hold the reins and stop Maggie Pony. Her newest bestest friend in the entire universe!