Posts tagged tender moments
I'm in Heaven on Mondays Now

I so rarely ever get a break from my children, but this is my choice. I really enjoy being around my kiddos and long ago decided that I didn't want to have babysitters for my children {I can count on my hands how many times my kids have been without my husband and myself}. My husband is quite busy with his job and is not around a lot of the times and when he is here, he is not really here. However, he is actually around more now than he ever was when the kiddos were much younger.

I have to admit that I happen to think when my children were younger, it was easier, they were easier. Now my kiddos have their own little opinions that they are happy to voice to me. I can't tell you how many times a day I here "M-O-M"{insert shouting little voices all at the same time saying the exact same thing over and over again until I answer that specific call}.

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Ordinary Moments

Nothing in my house is extraordinary . . . we are a typical ordinary American family . . . literally, we are so boring . . . I have a hard time coming up with anything to blog about most weeks.

I was thinking during this week that I have lost me somewhere in the mix of being a momma and a wife. I dont' know where I went, but I used to be really fun and funny! Most days I am so tired that I just don't have anything to say to anyone and if I do say something, it really sounds just plain stupid and silly (lack of sleep for years and years does that to a brain).

I liked the old me . . .  A LOT! I used to have tons of friends and I was never home  . . . I was always out and about doing something . . . fun! My friends have passed me by on the path of life and I am still just . . . here . . . ordinary . . . nothing exciting anymore.

I know how it happened, but I don't know how to change it. I really don't think I can change it . . . I can't go back to who I was before I was married . . . I like that person better . . . she was fun . . . but I also love the ordinary momma role . . . I am one and the same . . . different yet still very much the same.

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